Imago Architects
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IMAGOarchitects, a West London architectural practice, has been established for 20 years. Our skills range from residential improvements, through new build homes and business premises to conceptual design for arts and visitor centres and include developing schemes for green field sites. We have expertise in structural glass as well as eco matters so we will give your scheme the added class of cutting edge design that saves energy.

IMAGO can advise on schemes from feasibility, through to administering the build contract for a competitively tendered main contractor, and our involvement means schemes are regularly completed to schedule and on budget. For more about Jenny Harborne the principal please visit LinkedIn and for our latest news on ECO matters please visit twitter feed IMAGOeco.

Alternatively email directly Jenny Harborne. IMAGO are ARB and RIBA registered architects and on the Green Register. We donate time for Article 25 producing artwork for auction, and we are registered with the Houzz, an international home improvements directory and Green Planet Architects, the first international network of Sustainable Architects.
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