Urban Design Futures
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Urban Design Futures is an Edinburgh based, urban design, planning and landscape architectural consultancy which specialises in masterplanning, urban regeneration, streetscape improvements and landscape design. We are strongly committed to a practice philosophy which emphasises the need for imaginative and exciting design solutions that are developed from a thorough understanding of client and end user needs and will be sustainable over time.

In all of our work we aim to work closely with clients, the professional staff of client and related organisations and, wherever possible, the local community and end users to ensure that all stakeholder aspirations are fully realised.

We work with specialists in economic development, tourism, ecology, civil engineering, quantity surveying and environmental art who, in combination with our own in-house expertise, enable us to provide a full range of professional services for a wide variety of projects from inception through to implementation and completion.
Our strategic and masterplanning experience includes new settlements, town and village extensions, business / industrial parks, marinas and, most recently, the assembly of large scale industrial sites for the off-shore renewable energy industry.
In all of this work we aim to create sustainable development frameworks that provide a relevant response to both policy and physical context.
New settlement masteplans are developed to have a strong sense of place that is based on the existing characteristics of each site.
Selby is an architect, planner and urban designer with considerable experience in urban design strategies, public realm design and environmental improvement.
As leader of the local planning and environmental design section at Livingston Development Corporation he was responsible for the preparation and implementation of development masterplans, urban design strategies, planning and design guidelines and environmental improvements.
At Urban Design Futures Selby has led a wide range of masterplanning and environmental improvement/ urban regeneration projects in Edinburgh, East Lothian and central Scotland for public and private sector clients throughout Scotland.
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